Pantheism fundamentals





Mental health warning



The transition from the phase of pseudo monotheistic1 or dualist belief2,3 to a pantheist one, unless the consequence of personal development,4 is extremely challenging, indeed dangerous. The phase transition is akin to that undergone by an almost mature adolescent leaving home, i.e. its comfort, consolation, guidance and protection, for good.5


What the home leaver gets is independence and freedom, namely the capacity to shape his or her world6 in her own image.7 Only those8 who are fearless and have faith in their capacity to self-regulate and so survive, leave home.


What the home (or spiritual belief) leaver forfeits is his or her belief in external (or transcendental) protection and guidance, an immortal soul, a personal god and life after death.


Consequently, if you are not ready to move to the final phase, that is to say, to self-regulation, self-protection and self-upgrade and are not fearless, exit this site now!



The content of my version of pantheist belief is true for me. It may not be true for you (i.e. right now or never). If not true for you, downloading my pantheist belief can be extremely harmful.9



© 2020 by Victor Langheld











1.       The pseudo, because selective monotheist says: “There is but one God, namely mine (or ours),” viz. “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is ONE!” The intent of selecting one God, to wit, “Thou shalt have no other gods besides me!” is political. It serves to create division and so differentiation that permits identification. Later on the differentiation (as identity) is highlighted and intensified by enforcing specific  and uncommon customs, clothes, rites and rituals, a language and writing. The true monotheist is apolitical when he says: “There is but one God,” period.

2.       Pseudo monotheisms (i.e. heno-theisms being fundamentally dualist and divisive), such as Christianity, Islam, Shaivism, Vaishnavaism, Shankara’s and the highly selective and so corrupt version of Vedanta (to wit, advaita rather than ekata) and so on. However, the latter are extremely useful (thus good) external (or transcendent) Guide & Control means, albeit placebos.

3.       All beliefs serve as survival crutches and/or placebos.

4.       That is to say, the consequence of maturation as a fully independent and equal (to all alternatives) individual and when an individual is ‘ready’ (i.e. able) to act autonomously (i.e. self-regulating). Recall the ancient Hindu adage: The guru (as next unpredictable step) appears when the devotee is ready (to survive landing). Pantheist (or monist) beliefs are fully democratic offering equal rights and opportunities to all, i.e. at the price of being de-selected (i.e. eliminated as prey). In Pantheism, no one leads and no one follows, for each and every one serves as GOD variation (or app).

5.       i.e. for better. Once outside the protective walls of the home, that home now experienced as a prison, it’s nigh impossible to get back in and re-network with those who never left. That is why the pantheist belief must be voluntarily acquired, not enforced as pseudo-monotheism are. Leaving ones (spiritual home) makes the enforcers, i.e. primarily priests, redundant. Pantheism is feared and hated by priests because it pulls the carpet from under their feet and makes them powerless.

6.       i.e. his or her belief system, thus home, i.e. his or her cultural eco-system that serves as survival strategy (i.e. crutches).

7.       By means of his or her identity.

8.       A very rare few intrepid individuals (i.e. adventurers, who go beyond the given) actually leave their spiritual home completely, such as Newton or Einstein. Intrepid because they lose all the amnesties of home.

9.       Recall the number of pantheists who were burnt at the stake, like Giordano Bruno, Servetus. Spinoza died before his work was published, thus escaping the stake.