Pantheism fundamentals







This pantheist believes that:


A quantum of order, irrespective of its identity, enlightens1,2,3 if and when it increases order.


A quantum of order, irrespective of its identity, endarkens4 if and when it decreases order.5




















©  2020 by Victor Langheld







1.     Notwithstanding the mountain of naïve rubbish written by ancient and medieval ‘Spiritual advisors’, enlightenment happens if and when a (any and every) unit of order increases its energy supply, hence its capacity to survive by means of self-creation. This happens either by scavenging energy/momentum from an alternate unit/quantum of order; or by increasing its energy level by streamlining. i.e. rationalising its order (i.e. by reducing constraint, drag and so on). In short, enlightenment is not achieved by a very few ‘morally pure’ or ‘perfect’ world-fleeing (or denying) individuals but by any quantum of order, human or otherwise, that increases its energy level ≈ survival capacity.

2.     Perceived (or sensed) enlightenment happens as after-effect of problem solving, the basic problem being survival and local problems being the local means to resolving the basic problem.

3.     Not a few ancient and modern (pantheist) mystics understood that enlightenment (alternately interpreted as perfect sight/action) or ‘union’ (alternately interpreted as at-one-ness) is not achieved by virtue of a change of behaviour but as the result of the elimination of (hence freedom from) a constraint, traditionally (hence naively)  interpreted as ignorance (Sanskrit: avidya), confusion (Pali: vana) or blindness.

4.     Endarkenment happens if and when the energy (i.e. the work (i.e. survival) capacity and/or freedom) of a (any) quantum of order, not just the ‘bad guys’ or the ‘morally impure’, decreases.

5.     The so-called ‘spiritual’ goals (i.e. achievements) of ‘enlightenment’, ‘liberation’ (to wit, moksha or mukti ≈ freedom) and ‘union’ (i.e. at-one-ness) proposed by pseudo-monist (actually dualist) self-professed cognoscenti (for instance, those of Christianity, Judaism or Advaita Vedanta) are politically motivated (hence religious) red herrings. The advaita (i.e. non-dual) Vedanta goal (i.e. as role model) of the jivan-mukta, i.e. ‘the released while in this life’, was a Brahmin (indeed an Adi Shankara) mental misdirection that enforced the Brahmins’ caste position and power and enfeebled the majority of the Indian population, namely the once-born Sudras, i.e. the lowest caste. Shankara’s fake-news release/moksha results from the cognition (mental or physical/emotional) of the spurious identity of Atman and Brahman. However, true ekatā (i.e. monist) Vedantic release/moksha (and its side-effect, enlightenment ≈ vidya) happens if and when the identity of saguna Brahman (i.e. Buddhist samsara) and nirguna Brahman (i.e. Buddhist nirvana) is cognised/experienced and acknowledged with the statement: ‘This whole world is Brahman’.