Pantheist salvation



‘Doing better.’ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
























©  2019 by Victor Langheld










1.     i.e. improving, i.e. upgrading survival capacity; making a (survival capacity) profit.

2.     ‘Doing better’ frees, releases, liberates, enlightens, speeds up and so on (Sanskrit: moksha). ‘Doing worse’ binds, enslaves, en’darkens, slows down and so on.

3.     An identifiable reality, such as a human, microbe or atom, serves as momentary adjective, that is to say, as an epithet (i.e. as peripheral (i.e. superficial) attribute or application). In other words, every identifiable reality (i.e. any limited universal (processing) Turing Machine) emerges as a momentary because halted state’ment (hence ‘mode’ of) of endless ordering ≈ GOD.                See:   The standard God model

4.     For ‘doing’ read: making whole (thus quantised) contact by means of which realness emerges. 

5.     For the comparative ‘better’ read: differently. It is ‘difference that makes a difference’ (thus a state’ment), thereby improving survival capacity.

6.     ‘Better’ (i.e. the comparative attribute) is never caught (and eaten), hence fulfils the primary law of the jungle/nature ≈ God.

7.     ‘Doing better’ wins (reprieve from losing, thus dying). Winning is self-signalled with the various feelings of pleasure, i.e. happiness, joy, bliss, rapture and so on. ‘Doing worse’ loses. Losing (survival capacity) is self-signalled with the various feelings of dis-pleasure, i.e. unhappiness, pain, suffering, misery anguish and so on.

8.     The pantheist, i.e. the mature adult, competes for existence, i.e. predates energy packets (i.e. prey), in the comparative world of alternatives. The henotheist, i.e. the not yet comparable thus immature juvenile (hence ‘prey’), strives to escape his/her world of ‘others’ to a superlative world (of ‘sameness’).