The honeymoon experience





The honeymoon (to wit, sweet lunacy) experience, elsewhere called ‘the great liberation’,1 is a brief phase2 of utterly blissful mental, physical and emotional affects experienced as side-effects of function completion.3 And that function is (always) the (attempted)4 creation of new life, elsewhere called the GOD function.


During the wholly intoxicating5 honeymoon experience the selected ‘other’6 - and by projection the whole world - appears beautiful, indeed perfect in every way.7 The ‘other’, be that a person, an object or an idea,8 tastes sweet, smells sweet, sounds sweet, appears brighter and more colourful, indeed, seems to emit an entrancing golden glow.9 Only the present exists and that present is completely meaningful and fulfilling. All boundaries are gone and one feels utterly free, free from the world10 and free from fear.11 And there is an irresistible urge to merge, to become one, indeed unify with12 the ‘other’ and which alone exists. One seems to float off the ground on a cushion of lightness. One feels as though transported into a blissful ‘7th heaven’ where the two, now one, exist beyond wrong. And so on and on.


If you’ve ever been madly in love13 you will have experienced all of the above and more.


The honeymoon experience14,15 is triggered either as irresistible inducement to put one’s life on the line16 by making contact17 and thereby, possibly, creating new life. Or it is the pay-off18 for (costly) problem solving that creates new life that increases survival capacity.


Tantric consummation

The perfection gear

















Copyright © 2016 by Victor Langheld














1.     Buddhist legend has it that: ‘For 7 days the Buddha sat cross-legged under the Bodhi tree feeling the bliss of liberation.’ That was his honeymoon, i.e. his self-reward for solving his problem and so completing is one-and-only life function.

2.     Nothing lasts because all things, including experiences, function as thermo-dynamic devices.

3.     And any function will do.

4.     There are two problem solutions that trigger the honeymoon experience. The 1st is success at trying to create which solves the 1st problem, albeit with unpredictable outcome. The 2nd is success at creation and which solves the 2nd problem, albeit with unpredictable outcome. In everyday terms, a girl achieves the 1st intoxication with the honeymoon experience when she meets the perfect man and merges, unifies and/or copulates with him, whether or not there is offspring. The 2nd happens if and when she holds her baby in her arms for the 1st time, the baby also having an uncertain outcome.

5.     Thus ecstatic. The inebriated’s world has condensed to to a placebo reality.

6.     i.e. any ‘other’ as alternative, real or imagined.

7.     It appears perfect (i.e. ‘as a fact’) because a singularity and because processed @ maximum concentration.

8.     The observer’s actual world happens as iconic simulation in his/her brain. The brain, i.e. as biological navigation, i.e. Guide & Control system or Bio-Nav, processes all data, both actual (i.e. real) and virtual (i.e. imaginary), ‘as if’ real. Merging, i.e. the marriage or union of two happens first in the brain and which computes whether or not the marriage has been perfectly consummated. It then initiates the honeymoon experience ass reward-cum-feedback.

9.     Or aura, to wit, the warm glow/radiation of perfection,

10.   i.e. ecstatic. For ‘ecstatic’ read: stand beyond oneself or outside one’s ‘normal’ box, thus temporarily deranged, ‘mad’, ‘spaced out’ and so on.

11.   It is mostly fear, thus fear that stops them putting their life on the line, the sine qua non of creativity that prevents individuals from being themselves wholly and creating a world ‘in their own image.’

12.   Everyone knows from personal experience, it is ‘Difference that makes a difference.’ Fusing with (i.e. consuming, i.e. predating or mating with) difference, i.e. with an ‘other’ by opening oneself to admit it energises and changes, thereby supporting the drive to survival. For sameness to survive it must copulate with, i.e. consume, fuse with difference and which gives it, i.e. infuses new life.

13.   i.e. completely intoxicated with love, i.e. irresistibly attracted to an (i.e. any) identifiable reality.

14.   In techno-jargon: The honeymoon affect serves as data (for instance, DNA) and energy transmission enabler.

15.   The honeymoon experience happens as natural side-effect of function completion, pro rata to the significance of the function. It can however be deliberately engineered by intentionally simulating the natural problem solving function (as in Tantra, pub-crawling or excelling at any selected job or hobby). Or it can be deliberately engineered (i.e. simulated, i.e. because the brain doesn’t distinguish between real/actual and false/virtual data) by internalising (i.e. mentalising) the creation function and producing a purely simulated marriage (i.e. as in mystic union/copulation practiced by cults of devotion/love, such as the Bhakti cults of India and the Orthodox Christian Church). In each case the honeymoon experience is real/true. Since the natural way of achieving the full-blown honeymoon experience, though common, is usually once-off and fleeting, smart humans, desperate for ecstatic intoxication that removes them from ‘this vale of woe’ learn to simulate and control the experience. All forms of Yoga seek to achieve union, meaning: oneness ≈ isolation, i.e. perfect solipsism (Sanskrit: kaivalya), and milk it for the boundless bliss of the honeymoon experience. Buddhist practice the jhanas to achieve the same end.

16.   i.e. the cost of lunch. In other words, ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch.’

17.   Contact meaning: copulation or connection, such as marriage, fusion or union (actual or fictional, as in the mystic marriage) and so on. The outcome of contact with an ‘other’ (or differential) is unpredictable, thus dangerous. One cannot predict whether or not the ‘other’ will act as mate, predator or prey. Contact/fusion happens in a relativity vacuum, hence at the speed/rate of c.

18.   i.e. the lunch.