
 is the goal (purpose)




The word ‘consummation’1 was invented in the Middle Ages to describe the (indeed any) act2 of achieving completeness.3


Completeness, and therefore consummation, happens if and when incompleteness is eliminated.4


Initial completeness happens if and when an aggregate achieves inner harmony ≈ unity of function.5 By achieving initial completeness it becomes a self-defined, hence a virtual unit or quantum, that is to say, a merely self-cognizable whole. The completeness achievement (i.e. as consummation6) is self-signalled with the bliss of ‘the honeymoon experience.’


However, because merely self-defined, hence merely virtually7 complete, this, the initiating consummation, remains actually, and thus fundamentally incomplete.8 To become actual, and thus wholly complete it must be actualised, that is to say, externally defined, i.e. proven true/complete/real.9 By so doing this consummation also achieves the bliss of ‘the honeymoon experience’.



In order to achieve actual completion, and which is self-signalled with ‘the honeymoon experience’, a (i.e. any) aggregate that emerges in/as a state of dis-order10 must order itself to perfect outcome alignment11 prior to contact with an external complete unit or quantum,12 that contact being experienced as absolute,13 real completeness, and signalled with the ‘honeymoon experience.’14


Because all units/quanta operate as thermo-dynamic systems,15 both consummation (i.e. completeness)  experiences and their blissful self-signals are transient.16,17


Hence all identifiable realities self-drive to consummation18 as sine qua non of emergence and survival.








©  2019 by Victor Langheld









1.     The New Oxford Dictionary defines the word ‘consummation’ as: the point at which something is (meaning becomes) complete or finalised (unsurpassed). The word is derived from the Latin ‘con’ ‘altogether’ + summa ‘sum total.’ Primary consummation (i.e. self-completeness) that quantises is the prerequisite for secondary consummation ≈ consumption.

2.     i.e. as real (i.e. actual) or imagined (i.e. virtual) interaction function. That function is wholly recursive, hence operates as sine qua non of all identifiable realities.

3.     The word ‘complete’ was derived from the Latin completus, meaning: com: forcefully + plere: ‘fill up, finish, fulfil.’

4.     Note that this deliberation is wholly abstract (i.e. universal ≈ common to all) so that it can be applied to any self-ordering aggregate driven towards emerging as identifiable reality.

5.     In other words, if and when all bits of the aggregate are aligned towards one output-as-focus. That’s when, as whole unit, it presents with maximum work/impact/instruction, thus secondary consummation capacity.

6.     This consummation serves as primary or initial (indeed initiating) consummation. The honeymoon experience herewith achieved is equivalent to the preparation for DNA transmission in the human, i.e. the everyday honeymoon experience. In the everyday world, the honeymoon experience (as self-generated reward = readiness signal) prepares the DNA transmission function and that creates new life. Here the expensive lunch (i.e. the blissful pay-off) is offered first (and seemingly for free) with (the painful) payment to be exacted later.

7.     It is virtual because it is alone, i.e. un-relativised, hence a fiction. Operating within a virtual, because merely self-defined, hence yet unproven fictional reality is the function the God man, i.e. of the religious virtuoso. The latter, like every good storyteller, succeeds by cleverly mixing fact with wishful fiction to produce a placebo (as salvation).

8.     In this regard see Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, and which states that (isolated, ‘alone’) self-definition (such as mathematics or any other isolated solution as problem solving mode) is incomplete. Recall that the goal of Yoga (as such) is the attainment of Kaivalya, translated as aloneness (or isolation) achieved by attaining oneness, union, merging and so on.

9.     Actual completion (consummation, i.e. 1 to 1 contact with an ‘other’ or ‘second’ (as ‘different’) of a virtually complete unit (a one as ‘same’) happens as secondary and final completion (consummation). It alone generates an actual identifiable reality, i.e. a real world. This was discussed ad nauseam in the ancient Indian Upanishads invented about 2800 years ago. Where the Brahman was defined as ‘the Alone, i.e. ‘the one without a second’, hence as merely virtual, hence not cognizable, because lacking actual attributes, ordering device (fractal). Actual consummation (indeed, proof of truth by means of ‘trial by mortal combat’) turns fiction (i.e. the virtual) into fact (i.e. the actual because real).

10.   i.e. as unsteady (because in turmoil, i.e. in disequilibrium, hence @ increased entropy) state is called an a’stasy.

11.   thus becoming a steady state @ thermo-dynamic equilibrium (hence @ minim entropy) is called en’stasy. An enstasy has quantum (i.e. perfectly measured) status, hence is capably of whole, consummate, complete, thus absolute contact.

12.   thereby achieving ec’stasy, i.e. ‘standing beyond’ as ‘new’ astasy capable of re-ordering itself as an enstasy.

13.   Because happening in a relativity vacuum, i.e. ‘alone, i.e. in isolation (Sanskrit: kaivalya).

14.   The 1st consummation (i.e. completeness) happens if and when an aggregate (of random events as ordered energy packets) achieves perfect (internal) order (i.e. the goal of all Patanjali’s Yoga). By so doing it comes to internal rest (i.e. @ minimum entropy capable of maximum impact/work) and presents as an en’stasy, i.e. as a bit of hardware. The 2nd consummation happens if and when 2 @rest (i.e. @ minimum entropy ≈ hardware), hence perfectly ordered aggregates real or imagined (i.e. simulated, as in Jnana or Bhakti yoga) collide 1 to 1 and by so doing create a moment (or quantum) of absolute realness. Thus does meditation apply the ordering sequence: ‘ready, steady, fire.

15.   And therefore, as ordered energy packets deplete/lose their energy, thus their identity.

16.   Consummation, hence completeness (i.e. absoluteness) is achieved by eliminating incompleteness (i.e. relativity), absolutely or relatively. It concentrates, i.e. focuses both energy and identity (to a point) and which gives the unit superior ‘strike’ hence survival capacity Consummation, thus completeness eliminates the discomfort (i.e. pain, misery) of incompleteness, i.e. of entropy.

17.   Indeed, since all aggregates (as complex arrangements) of quanta are discrete their contact as secondary consummation is also quantised, hence momentary, as is their blissful ‘reward.’ Consequently the cause of discomfort (i.e. pain, suffering, Sanskrit: dukkha) is not ignorance (avidya), desire and so on, as Buddhists and others wrongly claim, but incompleteness that fails to achieve completeness and its blissful payoff. The starting point of all religions, and indeed all human effort is the decay rather than birth/growth phase of emergence.

18.   i.e. of any sub-function and which supports the whole function.